Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sandboxing: The Sims 2 / Castaway (PSP)

I had intended to start with a classic sandbox like AOE1. But in my recent downloading, I got my hands on one of the few sim games for PSP. I've just played it for an hour so far, but it is closer than I've gotten on the PSP so far.

I chose not to send a party to the island, but instead to live out my personal abandonment fantasies and send a single Ranger (odd occupation) who looks like one of the Flight of the Conchords dudes. The tutorial seems to be mostly over but i am collecting driftwood and eating coconuts and to be honest if I can subsist at this level I swear I'll become a master of coconut powergrinding.

Plus, though the three dee model isnt flawless, there are no enemies to fight so my incompetence does not impede. And it looks good enough for me, so far, honestly.

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